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Mobile phone showing social media platform, Intagram, Facebook and Twitter
what we do

Social - noun - \ ˈsō-shəl \ - tending to form cooperative and interdependent relationships with others.

Whether it’s an initiative to grow your following or a campaign to shape your image, PivotHound creates and executes social media strategies to tell your story.


As part of your integrated communications strategy, we identify networks aligned with your mission. We utilize those platforms to reach your target audience, thus meeting your overall business objectives and getting your story to the people who count.


Then we carefully monitor the effectiveness of each campaign using analytics and engagement metrics to evaluate, optimize, and repeat.


And if you become the focus of a negative social media campaign,  you’ll want PivotHound in your corner. We help you keep negative comments off your digital assets, counter cyber bullying and stand your ground in the digital conversation.

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